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Re: Lynx versus Links2 ( was: Lynx on Etch )

>Have you tried links2?
>- --
>Ron Johnson, Jr.
>Jefferson LA  USA

Well, I just did. In an xterm it is quite impressive in the way it
follows the layout of a graphical page, while still being 'just' a
text-mode browser. Lynx is much more barbaric in not even trying.

But I like the low-level approach of Lynx. I like the power of it. One
single tool for local file-management -and- the internet. 

Links2 is probably much better at rendering webpages, tables, frames,
css, even java-script is seems to do.

But Lynx has other, probably more hidden qualities. I can't even begin
to sum up what you can do with those keys...., but you probably know.

Well, we can have them both, they don't bite each other.

Thanks for the suggestion.

// Jasper.

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