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Re: specifying an autoconf version

On 12/19/06, Kamaraju Kusumanchi <kamaraju@bluebottle.com> wrote:
This seems to be a simple question but I could not find a proper way to do
this. I am trying to install software on a old computer with gcc-2.9, two
versions of autoconf 2.13, 2.53. The defaults point to 2.13 which is
installed in /usr/bin .The 2.53 version is installed in some arbitrary

Now I want to compile some software on this system which requires autoconf >
2.50. So I would like to use autoconf 2.53 instead of the default 2.13 . What
is the easiest way to override the default and ensure that 2.53 autoconf is
used instead of 2.13? There seems to be no option in the configure script. Is
there any other elegant way?



I think you should set the variable AUTOCONF to the path where is the
binary you want to use.

Best regards,
Sergio Cuellar

"Meine Hoffnung soll mich leiten
Durch die Tage ohne Dich
Und die Liebe soll mich tragen
Wenn der Schmerz die Hoffnung bricht"

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