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Re: PROBLEM: RAID-1 Assembly at Boot Time - LVM Impact

also sprach Max Meyer <max.10.newsgroup@arcor.de> [2006.12.18.1927 +0100]:
> I don't know, whether it is the proper way to contact you directly, but
> I couldn't get help or information from somewhere else on what I assume
> is a raid problem (may be I'm wrong).

I just haven't been able to answer your mail yet. Let's keep things
on the list.

> My assumption is, that this problem is caused by not assembling
> (detecting) the other arrays in the boot process before setting up
> vg0.

Yes, this may well be the problem. However, I would not be able to
tell since you did not include any relevant information with your
initial email. Please send me the mdadm -E and mdadm -D outputs you
alluded to.

> How can I recover here (to not loose my data)? How is the assembly
> working during the boot process? Do I have to specify the arrays
> for / somewhere else?

If the problem is really because of a wrong homehost field, then 

  mdadm -A /dev/mdX --homehost=whatever --update=homehost /dev/XXXX.....

is the way to fix it, meaning you assemble the array and force the
update of the superblock information. Neil Brown, the author, was
kind enough to take a look at your problem and the above is his
suggestion. If that doesn't work, we need more information.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck - http://debiansystem.info
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
"the difference between genius and stupidity
 is that genius has it's limits."
                                                    -- albert einstein

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