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Re: What is the Best Way to Create Attachments using mhonarch?

On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 10:56:57AM -0600, Martin McCormick wrote:
> 	I use nmh as the user agent for mail and have recently
> been asked to send various files to coworkers that contain
> attached files full of processed information.

Hi Martin,
I know nothing about nmh as I use mutt and with it I just use the file
attachment option and away it goes... So that is what I use but I think
there is a simpler solution if you have the resources:
save the files on a web server (or ftp site) and just post a URL to the
location of the files. This is easiest way for various reasons:
sending large attachments may not get through
the other person may not have the know-how or tools to get the
so this way they just point the browser, download, and done!
If you need security, you can save the files with password protection
like zip or use apache .htaccess.

also if the file is small enought, why not just send it as part of the
message, if its not binary info.

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