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What is the Best Way to Create Attachments using mhonarch?

	I use nmh as the user agent for mail and have recently
been asked to send various files to coworkers that contain
attached files full of processed information.  I know it can be
done, but I haven't found a linear description of the process.
I recently installed the mhonarch suite to handle MIME messages
better and I know it can build such a message.
It looks like whatnow has an attach command which intuitively
seems like you should just "attach path/file" but I get a rather
cryptic message about a field name that really makes no sense.

	Google searches turn up an amazingly small amount of
information and most of that is a string of messages from the
nmh-workers group discussing development issues.  Important, but
not what I need.

	If there is a good step-by-step description anywhere, I
can probably figure out what I need do to make the shell scripts
I will write to generate these messages.

	Thanks for any good ideas.  I'd love to read the manual
if I can find one that fills in the gaps.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Network Operations Group

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