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Re: copying files between ext3 and fat32 is slow

On 23.11.06 15:08, Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:
> I have a usb drive which contains two partitions. 

flash memory or real disk?

> One partition is ext3,
> the other is fat32. I used the fat32 to copy the files from windows XP and
> the speed is around 10MBps. When I moved this data from fat32 to ext3, I
> noticed that the speed is around 300KBps. I am wondering why is it so slow
> to copy files between ext3, fat32? Does it have something to do with my
> harddrive or my configuration or in general copying across partitions is
> very slow?

Do you have usb2 port? Do you have ehci module loaded so it works as usb2?

if not...

I wonder if windows do not write-cache the USB drive. But if I'd put a
filesystem not supported by windows onto flashdisk, it would be jffs2.

is the ext3 mounted with 'sync' option? it's quite common when mounting
flash drives, but according to mount man page, it doesn't work for vfat, so
this may also affect the speed...
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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