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ipp2p under etch RC1

Hi guys,


Were you able to set up this module under etch?

I downloaded latest 0.8.2 source tarball and tied to compile it.


I defined kernel source directory and iptables source directory in the makefile. I downloaded iptables source by issuing:


apt-get source iptables

After that I copied source file to /usr/src and modified makefile.


I was able to compile ipp2p without any problems or errors after all tweaks. I copied compiled libipt_ipp2p.so module to /lib/iptables directory. I copied compiled kernel module ipt_ipp2p.ko to /lib/modules.. blah blah


Issued depmod –a. After that loaded module with modprobe ipt_ipp2p.ko without any single problem.


But when I'm trying to issue


iptables -m ipp2p --help


output is:

 omega:~/Compiling/ipp2p-0.8.2# iptables -m ipp2p --help
iptables v1.3.6: Couldn't load match `ipp2p'

Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.

Can you help me with this problem? As I understood from ipp2p homepage – this command can work and without kernel module loaded:/  I suspect that the problem is in the module I copied to /lib/iptables directory. Thanks and help!:)


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