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Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment

I saw there was a thread discussing light desktop for debian in old
mailing archives.
Here I want to open this thread again because my friends and I have
developed a new lightweight desktop environment which is really usable
and suitable for older machines.

This desktop environment is named LXDE, Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment.
Let's see some screenshots first:
http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=300236313&size=o   (Use
Metacity as window manager)

The project page is stilltoo simple, but it's finally online.
Please read the introduction on our homepage for detail.
Currently we provide prebuilt packages for debian and ubuntu.

Besides, Iwrote a complete installation guide.

The main features of LXDE:
   * Lightweight, runs with reasonable memory usage
   * Fast, runs well even on older machines produced in 1999
   * Good-looking, gtk+ 2 internationalized user interface
   * Easy-to-use, the user interface is simple, but usable enough
   * Desktop independent (suprise! Every component can be used without LXDE)
   * Standard compliant, follows the specs on freedesktop.org
   * Suitable for old machines

In addition, I made a qemu disk image containing a preinstalled debian
system using LXDE.
The disk image contains a fully-functional debian system, with several
used packages installed, such as gimp, gaim, ...etc. That's why it's so big.
Download:  ftp://free.ym.edu.tw/lxde/LXDE.img  (548 MB)
The user name and password are  lxde/lxde.  The password of root is also lxde.
Please test the disk image with following command:
qemu -m 128 -net nic -net user -hda lxde.img -soundhw all -boot c
-m 128 means use 128 MB RAM and I think 128 is quite enough.

Have fun!  :-)

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