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Re: keeps servers consistant (debs)

On Sun, Nov 05, 2006 at 05:45:01PM -0800, Jason Morehouse wrote:
> Hello,
> Just wondering if there is an existing solution (or home-rolled script) 
> to keep packages consistent across multiple servers.
> The standard repositories are fine, and caching isn't needed (ala 
> apt-proxy), as they are on different networks.  But if I install / 
> remove packages on a server, I'd like to do the same on other servers 
> without having to keep track.  Also when I create a new server, id like 
> to quickly remove and apt-get packages from a master list.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
Hi Jason,

dpkg --get-selections|grep -v deinstall > package.list
will get the Debian package names sans the version number.

If you 'dpkg --set-selections' and then 'aptitude dselect-upgrade', this
will attempts to remove and install what you asked. But I've never done
it and do not know if this has any problems/breakage in the resulting

Once you have the correct packages, then there is the configuration
differences between machines, mostly in /etc/ that need to be adjusted.
That would be where the real problems need to be addressed.
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