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Re: compiling programs in debian way

On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 04:27:01PM -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Thanks in advance for the help
> $ wajig show debian-builder
> Package: debian-builder

  That will not help.  (Speaking as upstream author of that tool).

  To rebuild a Debian package the correct way you need three things:

    1.  The "debianised source", which is:
            a)  The .orig.tar.gz file.
            b)  The .diff.gz file.
            c)  The .dsc file.

    2.  The build-dependencies, by which we mean all headers and library
       packages which are required to build the given program.

    3.  A build environment.

  It seems like the OP has 1 + 2.  To get three they should run:

    apt-get install devscripts dpkg-dev build-essential fakeroot.

  Once that has been done the Debian patched source can be unpacked
 via "dpkg-source -x *.dsc".  This will leave a directory with
 the source in it and a debian/ subdirectory.

  Edit the file debian/changelog to mark a new version, if you wish,
 then run:

    debuild -sa

  This should result in a .deb file being produced in the parent

  For more details you could read the following guides:

        # Rebuilding Debian packages:

        # Roll your own Debian packages:

   Or to cheat and completely sidestep most of the major issues
  use "checkinstall":



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