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Re: reading MS word files

On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 06:37:45AM -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> * David Jardine <david@jardine.de> [2006 Nov 01 03:52 -0600]:
> > On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 10:30:31PM -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:

> > > [...]

> > > If they have the misfortune to use an MUA that fiercely forces its
> > > users to top post *cough*Lotus Notes*cough*, then they will do that
> > > elsewhere and believe it is "proper".
> > 
> > Off topic: How does Lotus Notes fiercely force its users to top post? 
> > I don't know Lotus Notes, so that's a not a rhetorical question.
> Any time one selects Reply With History (essentially including the
> message you're replying to), it includes the entire message, does not
> quote it, and puts the cursor and space above the included message. 
> It's a royal pain to edit it any other way as accidentally deleting the
> wrong special character removes the entire included message and one
> practically has to start all over.  Those special markers exist at the
> beginning and end of the included message.  It does not quote the
> message as is known in Mutt and other MUAs.
> So, the majority of users don't fight it and one literally must read a
> message that has been forwarded/replied to multiple times from the
> bottom up, scrolling up and down to read it in proper context. 
> Management types love Notes for some reason.  Anyone with a clue knows
> that it's hideously brain dead.

Thanks for the explanation.  The result obviously replicates the 
traditional filing system where letters are piled up chronologically 
with the latest one on top, so I can understand that business people 
feel more at home with it.  Better to be able to follow what happens 
rather than allow spontaneous, original, imaginative things to happen.


David Jardine

"Running Debian GNU/Linux and
loving every minute of it."  -L. von Sacher-M.(1835-1895)

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