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Re: FF vs. Seamonkey prompt for passwords

Kelly Clowers wrote:
On 10/30/06, Hugo Vanwoerkom <hvw59601@care2.com> wrote:

Seamonkey promts fills in a userid/password or prompts you with a list
of possible userids.

FF you have to fill in the userid first.

Can Seamonkey's behavior be emulated in FF?



Unfortunately, I can't answer your question for sure. I *think* I
remember reading that the SeaMonkey and Firefox autocomplete features
actually use completely separate code (XULrunner/Toolkit vs XPFE? ),
which would make it less likely they could act the same.

You might have better luck getting a definitive answer over at the
mozillazine forums or on the mozilla user usenet group.


Thanks Kelly, I'll do that.

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