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Re: respectful slightly dumb question about 64 bit computing.....

On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 01:22:49PM +0000, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> Dear Debian folks,
> I have been reading about the benefits of 64 bit computing on the web.  In 
> OK, here's the dumb question:
> Let's suppose that money was no object and we managed in some technical 
> feat to construct a computer that could have a 64 bit chip in it that would 
> be properly hooked up to 16 exabytes of RAM.
> If I had such a computer in my possession and I offered to donate to the 
> Debian community how would it respond?
Hi Michael,
from what I have read on debian-devel, someone who want to buy a new
machine for Debian would ask about what the current or future need is,
thus allowing you to buy what would suite the project.  Now if you
already have a machine, then either someone would say, "yes, that is
good for XYZ" or they would say, "no, that is not what anyone needs."
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