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Re: No xterm (or equivalents) immediately accessible in default etch

On Sun, Oct 22, 2006 at 01:12:48AM -0400, Jameson C. Burt wrote:
> We in Linux heavily use the command-line. 

Hi Jameson,
this is not entirely true today. Linux is moving towards the desktop, so
when that fully happends, it will be expected to be fully gui like
MacOS X.

> So, I was dismayed when my new Debian etch version displayed a Gnome
> and not even any immediate panel options for these terminals.

I was thinking as to why that is. Here is what I believe:
Debian has a dependency system with different priorities. There are
those things that are required to a program to function and there are
those things that would be helpful in most cases. When installing Gnome,
the metapackage gnome depends upon gnome-desktop-environment which
depends upon gnome-core with depends upon gnome-terminal. 

So if you installed: gnome, gnome-dektop-environemt or gnome-core, it
should install gnome-terminal.
I also found out that:
the metapackage x-window-system depends upon xorg which depends upon

so depending upon which was installed first, you should have either
xterm and gnome-terminal or just gnome-terminal.

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