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Re: Package blocked in NEW ?

Charles Plessy wrote:
Dear mentors,

I created a package which was uploaded to NEW by my sponsor on the 5th
of September, and it is still listed as "1 week" in
http://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html. I checked its two immediate
neighbours and they were uploaded the 20th and the 10th of September, so
apparently the package are not sorted by upload time. But how are they
sorted, then ?

The new.html page is sorted by date; but the precise order in which packages are processed is not defined. It is basically down to the ftp-masters. They may prioritise one package over another depending on perceived importance or the familiarity of that ftp-master with the package and it's history, etc.

One week is not a long time to wait :)

Jon Dowland

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