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Problems with ISA proxy and Elinks (SSL error - Postdata)

--- Some time ago I wrote:

> I have installed elinks on my etch.
> I have configured the browser to go through a proxy
> server.
> Connections are fine in both http and https, but
> when
> I fill a form (eg: gmail or yahoo mail), I get:
> "Unable to retrieve
> proxy://
> I have no problem with lynx, though.

... and no problems if I boot the system on another
network with no proxy. So, the problem must be with
the proxy itself (ISA).

In a previous post, Liam O'Toole wrote:

>I would try ntlmaps as a go-between. I have often
>used it successfully
>with upstream ISA proxy servers.

...but ntlmaps require that I know the Windows
username/password, which I don't know because I use
the system in emulation mode (Windows XP + Qemu).
So, I'm lost!
Any ideas?


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