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RE: who closed my networking ports?

Dr Bean wrote:

> I have apparently only 22 (ssh) and 631 (ipp, ie
> cups) open, but
> I can't work out why other ports are closed when on
> IRC I am told
> debian doesn't set up a firewall by default.

Simple: If you haven't got any network services
running besides cups and ssh, then no ports besides
631 (cups) and 22 (sshd) are open because no services
are listening behind them. A port just means a
daemon/service listening for incoming traffic. So no
open ports means no services listening and that should
suit you.
A "firewall" is needed if you want to filter access to
offered networking services. It is unneccessary if you
do not want to offer services to the internet because
you can shut them down or just let them listen to
localhost (at least, you can do that with cups and
ssh). To do that for cups, you just put these lines in
listen localhost:631
Browsing = off (or Browsing off , I just can't
remember which right now)
Now, cups will only listen on localhost (


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