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Re: How do I configure acpid?


What about thermal changes, which event must be cached in '/etc/acpid/events/thermal' when the temperature change and consequently, it is wrote in '/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature'

 Thank you,

Florian Kulzer wrote:
On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 20:06:41 -0600, Joseph Smidt wrote:
I am trying to get uswsusp to work on my Unstable Laptop.  I
was told this by a uswsusp dev:

But the usual (all Toshibas do this AFAIK) power-button event after resume
is not ignored by your userspace.  Try integrating s2ram into your acpid
configuration or just shut acpid down before suspend to verify this. Try
the s2ram combinations from "init=/bin/bash" to find out which ones work.
How do you integrate s2ram into your acpid?  Is there documentation for
that?  What is "init=/bin/bash"?  Thanks.

Appending "init=/bin/bash" to the boot options in Grub or Lilo is a
(somewhat crude) way to make sure that the acpi daemon is not started.
If you think that acpid is interfering with your wake-up process, then
you can just call

/etc/init.d/acpi stop

before you try suspend-to-ram/resume again.

I am not 100% sure if I understand you correctly, but it seems to me
that your problem is caused by acpid interpreting the power button event
(which triggers resume) as a signal to shut down the laptop. If that is
the case then you could try something like this:


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