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Re: Apache2 on Debian "ScriptAlias" Directives

On 27.07.06 12:03, Cary Pembleton wrote:
> I need to know where "ScriptAliases" go? They used to go in the httpd.conf
> file, but this appears to no longer be true in Debian 3.1 r2 Apache2.

I don't think ScriptAlias is necessary directive. Only use it if you really
need it. e.g. I use "Options ExecCGI" on my webserver(s) and no ScriptAlias.

ScriptAlias only defines where CGI's (and only CGI's) reside - you can alias
it to different place than DocumentRoot. Also, if you put any file there, it
will be handles as CGI - executed.

> I also see in the appache2.conf file the "Group" and "User" have changed
> from "www" to "www-data" anyone know what potential impact this would have
> if it is changed back to "www"?

I'd say this was changed so only files readable by user/group www-data could
be read by web server. I don't know what files are owned by user/group
"www", but they probably should not be read by apache, or any process it
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