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PostgreSQL & ODBC & OpenOffice

I'm new with PostgreSQL, more over I'm new with DB at all.
I'm currently successfully connect to the DB "mydb" with owner "gusti" in three different modes.
   1: Locally from the system user "gusti".
2: From another user in the next form: "psql -h localhost mydb gusti" and giving the correct password after well.
   3: Using the library "libsqlxx-dev" with the next settings:
       SQL.setPort(5432);//don't must

My problem start when I use OpenOffice. Almost the same error: "[unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified" There aren't to much values in the OpenOffice->tool->Data Sources ... Can you please help me with this ? In the connection using "ODBC" I use in the "Data source URL" the next source "//localhost:5432/mydb", and nothing for the "Driver setting", and the "user name" is "gusti" and when pick the Tab "Tables" I request for a Password and then I receive the error. So, What is the problem?

My file odbc user files are:
   Description             = PostgreSQL ODBC driver
   Driver                  = /usr/lib/odbc/psqlodbc.so
   Setup                   = /usr/lib/odbc/libodbcpsqlS.so
   Debug                   = 0
   CommLog             = 1
   FileUsage               = 1

~/.odbc.ini is:
   Description         = PostgreSQL gusti user
   Driver              = PostgreSQL
   Trace               = No
   TraceFile           = /tmp/psqlodbc.log
   Database            = mydb
   Servername          = localhost
   UserName            = gusti
Password = Port = 5432
   Protocol            = 6.4
   ReadOnly            = Yes
   RowVersioning       = No
   ShowSystemTables    = No
   ShowOidColumn       = No
   FakeOidIndex        = No
   ConnSettings        =

 Thank you,

B.W. If you know how to use JDBC driver , almost can help. Thank you again, Gustavo

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