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APT Black Magic

It is almost 11:00 at night and I'm getting very frustrated, so please
bear with me. :]

I'm having trouble getting APT to recognize debs on my hard drive, or
local file system. I can't understand what the problem is, since I had
the same repository system working on my Debian Sarge OS. (Now I'm on
Debian Etch.)

I placed my debs in the /home/myuser/debs directory on my computer.

I then ran the dpkg-scanpackags command, which sucessfully created the
Packages.gz file in /home/myuser/debs directory.

I create the "deb file:/home/myuser debs/" line in my
/etc/apt/sources.list file.

Synaptic can see the deb files after I use the "reload" button. (I
think I've done the same thing via APT on the terminal using the
"apt-get update" command.)

However, when I try to install any of the debs that are in the local
repository from Synaptic or the command line I get error messages
telling me that the packages can't be found.

I've been beating my head against the wall trying to figure this out,
and my search online was fruitless. I know I could use "dpkg -i" to
install the packages directly from the directory with the debs, but
I'd like to get APT working with the local repository the way it

I would really appreciate any ideas on how to resolve this. As a last
resort I will reinstall the operating system and hope this undoes
whatever I've managed to mess up or miss configure.

Thanks for the help.

Scott Huey

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