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Re: Shutdown my Laptop? Why should I?

> From: Dave Patterson <sdpatt2@gmail.com>

> I've done the same here, because of the high ambient heat in 
> Bangkok. Built a little rack to set the slab on, and heat  
> problems went away. 

My Sony laptop does have little feet at the back for that very 
reason, while the Dell 600M does not.  The Sony is proped up about 
20 degree's but rests on the front bottom.  That laptop is about 5 
years old got it back in 2001.  I must say I am not a big fan of 
Sony, but that laptop has been great.

Put it this way my battery life even when new with both batteries 
was about 2 hours, with one it was like 45 minutes. It got so bad 
that if I would unplug from the mains the battery would only power 
the machine for about 4-6 minutes.  Now it's down to about 30 
sec's, if I unplug and go to another room, I would have to restart.

If you want to read up on battery life this might be of interest to 
some of you.


I figure I will see how long this laptop lasts, as it would be cost 
prohibitive to invest in new batteries, for such a short working 
battery life.


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