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Re: Odp: Re: Hugin on debian "sarge"

On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 11:02:47AM +0200, Zbigniew Wiech wrote:
> Hi, it's exactly where I got a hugin.deb from,
> Yesterday I tried again to compile it from source. 
> It worked !!!
> I had to install some packages that "./configure" required, although with 
> another names (e.g. ./configure required "zlib", I installed "zlib1g-dev" 
> as "most similiar" for me). Previously it costed me a lot of frustration 
> seeking for non-existing names.
Hi Zbigniew,
this is the typical guess work that is required to compile any gnu
program. As you do it more, it becomes easier. x-) The main thing is that if
you need 'foo' as a dependency, you need to install 'foo-dev'. Sometimes
they make various version and you kind of ask around or guess which
might fulfill the requirements, thus the most recent version of zlib
source is zlib1g-dev and not zlib-dev.

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