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Re: DNS and resolv.conf

On Fri, 07 Jul 2006 04:11:43 -0500, Tyler Smith <tyler.smith@mail.mcgill.ca> wrote:

1) How to insure that the correct DNS address is included when resolv.conf is generated?

As mentioned before, if you're using DHCP it *should* be automatic. However, from time to time ISPs get their configurations screwed up :)

2) Do ISPs change DNS addresses often? Is there a way to detect it when it happens, so I don't have to call them up for the new one every time it happens?

Using DHCP you shouldn't have to call anyone. However, if you continue to have problems, you might try the pdns-recursor package. I've had good luck with it on a machine that lives outside our firewall with no direct DNS server access. IIRC I didn't do anything but install the package and it worked. However, you might need to update resolv.conf to use

I also use the resolvconf package, so there is a "dns-nameservers" entry in /etc/network/interfaces for eth0. Again, I don't recall if I set this by hand or if it was automagically set.


Michael Johnson <redbeardcreator@gmail.com>
Nothing to see here. Please move along.

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