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can't get working more (than two) keybord layouts in x(.org)

hi community. well, here is the problem. i have debian unstable on my box, with (ukrainian) language environment set up with debian's language-env. and i can't get working more than two keyboard layouts in x.org.

i tried to activate third (russian) layout by adding it to my ~/.xcyrillic, i.e. to the setxkbmap line (as i did in sarge, and it was working). this line looks as follows:


setxkbmap -types complete \
-compat 'complete+leds(scroll)' \
-geometry 'pc(pc102)' \
-symbols \


but this doesn't work. when i try to run this command in terminal, it fails, with the following output:


vimana:~# setxkbmap -v 10 -types complete -compat 'complete+leds(scroll)' -geometry 'pc(pc102)' -symbols 'pc/pc(pc105)+pc/us(basic):1+pc/ua(basic):2+pc/ru(basic):3+group(ctrl_shift_toggle)+group(lwin_switch)'
Setting verbose level to 10
locale is C
Warning! Multiple definitions of symbols
         Using command line, ignoring rules file
Warning! Multiple definitions of types
         Using command line, ignoring rules file
Warning! Multiple definitions of compatibility map
         Using command line, ignoring rules file
Warning! Multiple definitions of geometry
         Using command line, ignoring rules file
Applied rules from xorg:
model:      pc102
layout:     us,ua,ru
options:    grp:ctrl_shift_toggle
Trying to build keymap using the following components:
keycodes:   xfree86+aliases(qwerty)
types:      complete
compat:     complete+leds(scroll)
symbols:    pc/pc(pc105)+pc/us(basic):1+pc/ua(basic):2+pc/ru(basic):3+group(ctrl_shift_toggle)+group(lwin_switch)
geometry:   pc(pc102)
Error loading new keyboard description


btw, my locale is uk_UA.KOI8-U, not C.

i also tried to define keyboard layouts via /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but still with no effect (only 2 layouts working).

the packages on my systems are:

language-env 0.66
x11-common, xorg, xserver-xorg, xwindow-system-core 7.0.19
xsrever-xorg-core 1.0.2-8
xkb-data 0.8-5
libx11-6, libx11-data 1.0.0-6

thanx in advance.


sex, pot, open source!

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