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cannot play some videos in mozilla mplayer


I am not able to play videos from sites in Mozilla using the
mozilla-mplayer plugin. As an example, CNN site's videos do not play. On
the other hand, I can play all the vidoes in Google Video and UTube. I
am wondering, is the problem with the remote web site or is it my Debian
Etch? Is someone else able to play videos from CNN's website?

On CNN's website (not a huge fan of CNN btw), a new window opens and
mplayer plugin starts and gives messages regarding 'download' etc, and
then it just stops and does nothing. No controls are shown. Only
"Connected" is shown at the top where the mplayer messages appear.

I have:
$> dpkg -l *mplayer* | grep ^ii
ii  mozilla-mplayer   3.21-1                  MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla
ii  mplayer           1.0-pre7cvs20060325-0.3 The Ultimate Movie Player
For Linux
ii  mplayer-skin-blue 1.5-0.5                 default skin for mplayer

$> dpkg -l *mozilla* | grep ^ii | gawk '{print $2 "\t" $3}'
mozilla-browser 1.7.12-1.1
mozilla-calendar        1.7.12-1.1
mozilla-cascades        0.4.0-2
mozilla-dom-inspector   1.7.12-1.1
mozilla-enigmail        0.93-1
mozilla-firebird        0.8-12
mozilla-firefox 1.5.dfsg+
mozilla-firefox-dom-inspector   1.5.dfsg+
mozilla-firefox-gnome-support   1.5.dfsg+
mozilla-mailnews        1.7.12-1.1
mozilla-mplayer 3.21-1
mozilla-psm     1.7.12-1.1
mozilla-thunderbird     1.0.7-3
mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail    0.93-1
mozilla-thunderbird-offline     1.0.7-3


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