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Re: using apt-listbugs

Just an update about apt-listbugs. It still seems to behave the same way, even when I'm running apt-get within an xterm (actually gnome-terminal). Apt-get runs along as usual, then gets to this line:

Retrieving bug reports... Done

and seemingly hangs. It is instead waiting for me to respond to the question:

[something overwritten in my terminal window] the above packages? [Y/n/?/...]

When I hit return, I'm answering the default 'Y'. Note that this prompt is also after a good 10 or 20 lines of bug reports about the packages I'm installing, so it isn't just a one-off kind of thing.

It dawned on me that maybe I haven't been giving the full story about this. I don't run apt-get straight, I run a little shell script I've put together that logs everything apt-get does, and I suspect this is the source of the problem. The script basically rotates copies of the logfiles so that I have a record of the last 30 days of changes, then it runs the following:

/usr/bin/apt-get $* | tee -a $APT_LOG_FILE

I suspect that something isn't happy between tee and apt-listbugs. This command works just fine for apt-get promptings (use the package maintainers copy of config files or mine, for instance).

Rick Reynolds
He who breaks a thing to find out what it is, has left the path of wisdom. -- Gandalf

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