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Handling apt-get, apt-cdrom, sources.list, cdroms.list


I'm newbie with Debian, so please bear with my inexperience.
In my Sarge stable, when I do:

 # apt-get build-dep emacs21

I get the following output:

 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list

. The debian-emacsen listers suggested me to properly edit the file
'/etc/apt/sources.list', which is the following:

#deb file:///cdrom/ sarge main

deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r0a _Sarge_ - Official i386 Binary-2 (20050607)\]/ unstable contrib main
deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r0a _Sarge_ - Official i386 Binary-1 (20050607)\]/ unstable contrib main

# deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib

, then to handle the 'apt-cdrom' tool; but I really
don't know how. Here's my '/var/lib/apt/cdroms.list':

CD::ca516dca38db4d7175e5e976215935ff-2 "Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r0a _Sarge_ - Official i386 Binary-1 (20050607)";
CD::ca516dca38db4d7175e5e976215935ff-2::Label "Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r0a _Sarge_ - Official i386 Binary-1 (20050607)";
CD::292bfddab46e89a674ff592cc76ff195-2 "Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r0a _Sarge_ - Official i386 Binary-2 (20050607)";
CD::292bfddab46e89a674ff592cc76ff195-2::Label "Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r0a _Sarge_ - Official i386 Binary-2 (20050607)";

. Please could you provide some basic help to such a basic problem?
Thanks in advance,

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