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Re: using apt-listbugs

Stephen R Laniel wrote:

On Mon, Apr 24, 2006 at 09:20:29AM -0400, Rick Reynolds wrote:
When I do an 'apt-get upgrade' (running testing) the command typically fills more than a screensworth while it downloads packages. Then I see apt-listbugs running, but the crucial output -- the question that says "continue with these or not?" -- is always off my screen, below the bottom line. I hit space to no avail, and when I hit return I find that I've just answered the default to the question ('YES install these').

It's probably just that your monitor's vertical positioning
needs to be changed.

Hmm... Maybe. But this is the LCD laptop screen I'm referring to. I'm not aware of a way to adjust that (although there may be a way).

But attacking this problem from another angle: I'm assuming it's not a good idea to do an upgrade from within X. Is that accurate? If I ran the upgrade within an xterm window, I'd probably not have this alignment problem at all.

I used to actually do this procedure:

1. edit /etc/inittab so that the computer boots into a runlevel I've created that doesn't include X
2. reboot the machine
3. ssh into the machine and run the update

But that seemed like a lot of hassle. I seems "more natural" to do the update at the console anyway.

Rick Reynolds
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. -- Galileo Galilei

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