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Re: What's the next step?

Rocky Ou wrote:
I use netinst CD installed Debian Sarge 3.1 successfully. I only installed base system no any other stuff. I can use SSH to connect to remote server. If you could give me some hints regarding to the following items, I would really appreciate it?

   1. Which package should I download so that I can  browse webpages
      as how I'm doing under Windows?  This is very important as lots
of webpages will give me how-to instructions. Do I use apt-get xxxxx? Or something else?

You're probably currently using a text-based console when you log in. In such a mode, you can use a text-based web browser such as "lynx" or "links". To install "lynx",
   apt-get install lynx
   aptitude install lynx

("apt-get" has been more of the traditional installation tool; "aptitude" is preferred by some of us as "the next generation" tool (albeit still text-based).)

   1. What about Desktop management? I think I can either use KDE or X
      servers right? Most likely I'm wrong. What I want is that I can
      open a terminal to enter commands not the old MS style, So that
      I can use Crt+tab to move betwen termialls?

X (or "the X server", or "the X Windowing System", etc) is the (common) graphical (GUI) system for Linux. If you were to just install and run X, you'd basically just get a blank grayish-hatched GUI-fied screen. It's the base of a fully functional GUI, so it's the first part of the GUI that needs to be installed. You can install the basics with
   aptitude install x--window-core

If you were now to run "startx", you'd probably see that blank grayish-hatched screen I mentioned. You can get out of this back to your text-based console by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (not recommended normally, but fine in this case).

Now, on top of the bare X, you'll need some X clients, the most important of which is a window manager. A fairly simple one i Icewm. To install it,
   aptitude install icewm

Now run "startx", and you should start seeing something a bit more familiar, including an "Icewm" button similar to Windows' "Start" button, allowing you the option to Log Out.

Many newbies prefer KDE or Gnome, both of which include a window manager, but also have lots of other newbie-desired stuff). To install KDE,
   aptitude install kde

As part of the KDE or Gnome install, a graphical login screen was also installed. You can activate this by rebooting (which will then run on subsequent reboots), or by running the appropriate startup script manually. To start KDE's login manager, KDM:
   <log in as root at a text console>
   /etc/init.d/kdm start

For Gnome's login manager, GDM:
   <log in as root at a text console>
   /etc/init.d/gdm start

Things should start looking much more comfortable by now.

   1. Can I use apt utility to download CMS such as TYPO3? After
      downloading does all of the users can have access to it, I mean
      except root? If this is possible how can normal users do it?

   aptitude install typo3


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