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Re: sound volume not persistent between reboots

Kim Christensen wrote:

On 4/11/06, Rick Reynolds <rick@rickandviv.net> wrote:
A few topics similar to this have been recently discussed, and I was
waiting for this particular question to be hit, but it never did (at
least that I saw).

My sound works great.  My only problem is that the settings I apply to
the Gnome volume control applet don't persist across reboots (although
they do across restarts of X).

I'm guessing there is some alsa-<something> that just needs to be
reconfigured.  Anyone have a pointer for me?

What you're looking for is probably alsactl, which allows you to read
and store settings for your soundcard in different configuration

Yes, that tool is installed, and I see that it is called from /etc/init.d/alsa-utils.

I'm hoping to just tweak whatever is necessary to make this "just work" in the way that it should (via proper config of packages). I could probably hack in my own controlling scripts, but I'd rather get the init infrastructure that is already in there working properly.

Rick Reynolds
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -- Groucho Marx

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