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Re: Will wine|win4lin|VMWare save my XP bacon?

John wrote:

> Is there a third family of choices? Would wine, win4lin, VMWare or
> something else be able to run XP where it is?

Not sure about your original problem, but as for emulation, it goes like

Wine allows you to run Windows applications (and games), not drivers and
not the operating system itself. In fact, it does not need Windows at
all. Many applications run, but some do not.

VMWare and Win4Lin run entire operating system in a virtual computer.
Most applications will run, but with a more or less significant
slowdown, not to mention the fact that you will be running two full
blown operating systems at the same time. Not for gaming. Note: there is
a free computer emulator called QEMU.

None of these will make Windows drivers work on a Linux system. None of
these can replace an entire operating system.

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