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Strange SoftRAID problem on Etch (swapped minors)


I have an odd problem with software RAID on Etch.

My computer has 4 disks IDE). Two on the motherboard's controller and two on
a separate PCI controller card.

The disks are (correctly) labeled hda/hdc for the motherboard disks and
hde/hdg for the PCI card. 

All disks have one partition (hda1, hdc1, hde1, hdg1) and are mirrored (at
installation time, but the same problem occurs if I do mirroring later) using
RAID1: /dev/md0 is hda1&hdc1 and /dev/md1 is (hde1&hdg1).

[The above paragraphs are strictly not true - there are more partitions and
disks, but I doubt that it is relevant to this discussion.]

The problem is that on reboot the minor numbers of the RAID devices get
swapped! /dev/md0 is now made up for hde1&hdg1, while /dev/md1 is hda1&hdc1.
This is extremely odd!

I am not sure why this happens. As near as I can tell, the mounting happens
using /sbin/mdrun, which follows the order of the /proc/partitions (which
looks fine on my machine). Any ideas?

A related question is why id /sbin/mdrun using /proc/partitions order? The
superblock already contais a "Preferred Minor" field - shouldn't that be the
source of the minor number for the MD device? Maybe throw an error in
confusion if the "preferred minor" disagrees between different parts of the
same array...

For example, would it be "illegal" to have /dev/md0 be hda2&hdb2, while
/dev/md1 would be hda1&hdb1? If the /proc/partitions order is followed they
would always end up swapped...



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