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Re: remounted read-only

On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 08:41:10PM +0100, Eric Persson wrote:
> I have a server that repeatedly remounts its / harddisk  readonly, 
> probably caused by the errors=remount-ro in fstab.

If that's the cause (and I agree that it almost certainly is), then
in means your drive is encountering errors.

> But what does the text above imply with "can analyze the errors without 
> risking further damage", what can I do to prevent this totally?
> Is it a sign of starting to failing harddrives or what might be the cause?

Take a look in /var/log/syslog and keep this quote from fortune in

<Overfiend> Thunder-: when you get { MessagesLikeThisFromYourHardDrive }
<Overfiend> Thunder-: it either means { TheDriverIsScrewy }
<Overfiend> or
<Overfiend> { YourDriveIsFlakingOut BackUpYourDataBeforeIt'sTooLate
            PrayToGod }

The freedoms that we enjoy presently are the most important victories of the
White Hats over the past several millennia, and it is vitally important that
we don't give them up now, only because we are frightened.
  - Eolake Stobblehouse (http://stobblehouse.com/text/battle.html)

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