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Re: I'm looking for a better XShell

On Sat, Mar 04, 2006 at 01:32:58AM -0700, Paul E Condon wrote:
>Gnome-terminal has a feature that I really like. It underlines text
>that has the syntax of a URL. If you point to the text with your cursor
>and cntrl-click, it starts your browser in another window and sends it
>to look at the URL. But there is a problem: I can't get the rest of
>gnome desktop to work, and if I try to run gnome-terminal under KDE, I
>can't configure fonts for the gnome-terminal window. To configure fonts
>for gnome-terminal I think I should use gnome-control-center, but it
>seems to fight with KDE control center. Sometimes it works, but not
>very often.

You can't get GNOME to work? What do you want, and what are you doing?

Debian's GNOME shouldn't be difficult to get working...


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

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