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Mailman 2.1.5 mass subscription fails

I'm running Sarge, with Apache and mod_security in place. I found that I
had to disable mod_chroot to get mailman working, because python isn't
in the chroot jail. Is there any way to get mod_chroot working with

More importantly, even with mod_chroot off, when I attempt to access the
mass subscription option for a list, I get a 403 error:

    You don't have permission to access
    /cgi-bin/mailman/admin/testlist/members/add on this server.

This seems to be the offending line in the mod_security configuration

    SecFilterSelective HTTP_Content-Type

Obviously, the problem is that form-data is being denied. I want to
enable it for mailman, but disable it elsewhere. Is there a simple and
secure way to do that?

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