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Re: etch vs sarge

Hi List!

I run services on sarge in two major parts:
- qmail,clamav,spop3, ssmtp,rblsmtp and
- apache2,mysql 4.1,php4

I'm considering to dist-upgrade from sarge to etch(testing)
I would like to use mysql5 and php5 if it's not a to big deal to change.

My question is:
Can the dist-upgade do it for me or the chaos is waiting for me?
I know mysql would like a full export/import.
Is there anithing else?
Is teher someone with experinece on it?


I can't really comment on the specifics of mysql or php, but my trial of etch via an upgrade, and then via a fresh install, was disastrous. Besides a prettier gdm, I loathed everything about it, and am now happily back with Sarge. Etch is anally retentive with the repositories, it doesn't have Webmin, strange conflicts with the kernel image and udev. . . . Unless you absolutely must have the latest, I'd recommend sticking with Sarge.

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