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Re: spurious C warnings..

On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 03:28:08PM +0000, Digby Tarvin wrote:
>The is probably not specific to Debian, but the system I encountered it
>on is Debian 3.1 (Sarge/Stable) and perhaps someone here can explain
>If I compile the program:
>	main()
>	{
>	        long long foo = 077777777777777777777;
>	        printf("sizeof foo is %d %llx\n", sizeof foo, foo);
>	}
>the compiler produces the warning:
>	$ cc test.c
>	test.c: In function `main':
>	test.c:3: warning: integer constant is too large for "long" type
>which would be entirely reasonable had I tried to use the constant
>with a long type - but in this case I am not, so it seems completely
>spurious.... (why not warn me about it being too long for int and
>char also??)
>If I run the program, it is evident that the correct code it generated:
>	./a.out
>	sizeof foo is 8 fffffffffffffff
>I am guessing that long long literals are a language extension, but don't
>have any reference here with which to check that...
>Anyone know the reason for the warning, and if there is an option that
>suppresses it?
>I tried it on gcc 2.95.3 on my old (SuSE) system and it does not happen,
>but on Debians 3.3.5 it does.

See http://sources.redhat.com/ml/crossgcc/2004-02/msg00036.html


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

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