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Re: Cleaning /tmp regularly using bootclean.sh + crond

In article <[🔎] 43F5FAF7.6000800@sbcglobal.net>,
Mike McCarty  <mike.mccarty@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>Josep Serrano wrote:
>>>On Friday 17 February 2006 07:29, Josep Serrano wrote:
>>>>Do you guys clean regularly your /tmp ?
>>>Yup.  The tmpreaper package is great for that.
>> Yes, tmpreaper does the job. But here I was preteding to simply reuse the
>> bootclean.sh by simply making a symlink. Why installing an addittional
>package if
>> you already have the stuff to the the job?
>> Maybe I am wrong and it is a bad idea using bootclean.sh in crond ?
>My understanding (I am not a Linux guru) is that it is risky
>to remove things from /tmp while the system is "up", as
>some apps, for example X Window system, store stuff in there
>which they don't need to survive a boot, but do need to keep
>So using a script may not be a Good Thing.

That's true. Bootclean.sh is just a step in the bootup sequence,
it wasn't designed to be called manually or by cron.

Tmpreaper probably does 'the right thing'

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