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Re: What have you created with Debian?

On Sat, Jan 21, 2006 at 03:14:28PM -0800, Jacob wrote:
> Debian has been used for many types of systems.
> Our system design team is currently designing a Book Exchange System for
> students.
> This system will be used for exchanging (buying & selling) their used text
> books, however
> we also need to think of a way to maintain the cost of running this system.

You mention students, so I will assume you are at a school. Any school
that i can think of has computers, a network and an internet connection.
With a reasonable Computer Science Department, most of those costs
should be covered by them.

> We will need to cover, some minor implementation costs  such as a monthly
> service provider,
> an implementation cost for 4 developers/programmers, and an on call cost for
> computer science students to
> do weekly or monthly maintainence.

The CS Dept. may make the implementation of the system an indepenant
research project or something to allow you class credit or 'extra
credit'. And it may provide a means of students to get 'extra credit' by
doing maintaiance.

> Please reply back with a short description of the type of system you have
> used, created, or designed using Debian/GNU Linux.
> We are very interested to hear what other sytems have been successful.

I'm not sure why this would matter. You problem is a solved problem, so
no one need to be Donald Knuth to make a suggestion as your not creating
something that needs scalability like ebay.
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