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Add a header line with postfix


I'm in the unlucky position to be searching for a possible solution for a header issue
that a java application is giving me. This java application POP's it's email to
distribute it later on. Now, in most cases this goes without a hitch, except when the
adress on which the java application checks is bcc'ed.

For this reason the coders decided it was a wise step to push the issue forward to the
admins, requestion for every e-mail that passes on thrue a X-evelope-to: header, with the
recepient after that.

Now, I'm unsure how to approach this.. or how I could approach this, but more important..
how I should approach this.
header_checks and UCE rules alike, in the duration  that I was reading I'm unsure if that
would be the road to take (and a "deadline" is coming insight rather quickly).

Any pcre or other regex option availible that ADD's a headerline?

Kind regards,


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