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Re: debconf

On Friday 26 August 2005 19:50, David R. Litwin <presently42@gmail.com>
(<[🔎] f5526677050826185078cd297d@mail.gmail.com>) wrote:

> Did you have your sudo pre-configured?

I configured it myself manually -- after an RTFM or two.

> Mine does not work; my user was not a sudoer. When I went to add david
> ALL=ALL (so I don't need to type the pass-word every time),

I gave myself only limited permissions.

> it now says 
> $ sudo apt-get update 
> sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0666, should be 0440.
> Is there some thing else I can do to rectify this problem?


  $ su -
  # chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers
  # exit

If UG&O all have write permissions, there's no security except through
limited obscurity.

> Perhaps allow the root to access the X server?

I didn't; for X applications, I use gksu.

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