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There recently on the mailing list was a query concerning different ways of viewing the results of debconf. The fellow wanted to know how to enable a Kde look (for lack of a better word). debconf offers a few different 'looks', kde, gnome and the default terminal-type thingy. I downloaded the necessary package to enable the kde look. I then ran dpkg-reconfigure debconf and chose kde. Well, as it turns out, I apparently didn't; it seems I chose gnome, for I then downloaded another package and it said it couldn't work for it was missing a package. I tried dpkg-reconfigure debconf (after downloading what I thought the package was) and here are the results:

# dpkg-reconfigure debconf
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

dpkg-reconfigure: cannot connect to X server :0

And, with a normal user

$ dpkg-reconfigure debconf
bash: dpkg-reconfigure: command not found

Now, methinks that the way to solve this is to enable my normal user to access dpkg-reconfigure so that I can, well, reconfigure debconf. How do I do this?

Of course, if any one has a better suggestion (which I'm sure there is), I don't think that this plan is the best. So, please, suggest away!

Thank you kindly in advance.

—A watched bread-crumb never boils.
—My hover-craft is full of eels.
—[...]and that's the he and the she of it.
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