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Re: connecting from MAC OS X to a Samba share

On (08/08/05 21:33), Frank Guthorel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I got a problem in our network here - a recently purchased Mac Powerbook
> on OS X 10.4.2 cannot seem to find any shares that are available on the
> Debian server.
> Other machines can access without any problem - Linux, Win2000 can
> browse and access the files on the shares. I have been reading a lot of
> stuff about this online - but it contradicts, or is not related to the
> issue we are having.
> Samba version was quite recently updated to 3.0.14a on the Debian
> server- I cannot tell whether it was already broken before the upgrade,
> since we did not have the powerbook yet.
> Could somebody tell whether this is the client (MAC) or the server
> (Debian) that is causing the problem ? Any solutions or links I could
> try or follow ?

On samba networks, we've setup, serving Mac, Linux and Windows clients,
I've found that /home directories aren't found by MacOSX unless you
explicitly set up the individual shares in /etc/samba/smb.conf

As an aside I've yet to find a reliable linux network browser; they all
seem to read files OK but writing to shares is erratic at best.  The
only reliable method I've found is to add the samba shares into
/etc/fstab on each client.



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