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connecting from MAC OS X to a Samba share

Hi all,

I got a problem in our network here - a recently purchased Mac Powerbook
on OS X 10.4.2 cannot seem to find any shares that are available on the
Debian server.

Other machines can access without any problem - Linux, Win2000 can
browse and access the files on the shares. I have been reading a lot of
stuff about this online - but it contradicts, or is not related to the
issue we are having.

Samba version was quite recently updated to 3.0.14a on the Debian
server- I cannot tell whether it was already broken before the upgrade,
since we did not have the powerbook yet.

Could somebody tell whether this is the client (MAC) or the server
(Debian) that is causing the problem ? Any solutions or links I could
try or follow ?

Thanks in advance ....

Frank Guthorel

T : 09/329.49.38 - G : 0495/105.776
mailto:frank@codedor.be - http://www.codedor.be

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