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find/replace in place

I have a database name I want to replace inside of an xml file. I can do this in several step using sed, but I would like to do it in a single step using perl. This is what I have in sed and what does not work in perl.
echo -n "Please enter the name of the new database: "
read syelledb
dbchange=`cat /tmp/data-sources.xml|grep database|cut -d ">" -f2|cut -d "<" -f1`
sed s/$dbchange/$syelledb/ /tmp/data-sources.xml > /tmp/data-sources.xml.tmp
mv /tmp/data-sources.xml /tmp/data-sources.xml.orig
mv /tmp/data-sources.xml.tmp /tmp/data-sources.xml
PERL (single line in bash script)
echo -n "Please enter the name of the new database: "
read syelledb
dbchange=`cat /tmp/data-sources.xml|grep database|cut -d ">" -f2|cut -d "<" -f1`
/usr/bin/perl -pi -w -e 's/$dbchange/$syelledb/'
I am not using all perl as I can only do a very limited amount in that. (just started learning)
Tony Heal
Pace Systems Group, Inc.

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