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Re: DHCP with Static Addresses

Jim McCloskey wrote:
> |>   o printing to one of the machines running CUPS ... again, I must
> |>     specify the addr of the print server machine
> This was why I wanted to assign a fixed address to my desktop machine at home---
> it has a printer on the parallel port and it serves as  printserver for all of 
> the other machines that use the home network (laptops mostly).
> But this very simple solution works here. I just have in /etc/network/interfaces:
> iface eth0 inet static
> address
> network
> netmask
> broadcast
> gateway
> and the DHCP server in the Linksys router (a Wireless-B) is happy to always assign 
> the address to the machine in question.

No, DHCP is doing nothing in this. You have given your machine a fixed
IP address in your LAN and it works perfectly.

Here is what I did to give a machine (laptop) a fixed DHCP address:

In the machine which acts as a router and DHCP server, I have this para
in /etc/dhcpd.conf for my laptop:
#added by HS,08May2005, to assign fixed address to the Dell laptop.
#info from http://www.siliconvalleyccie.com/linux-hn/dchp.htm
host red {
hardware ethernet XY:AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ;

Where XY:AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ is the mac address of the interface card of the
laptop and is the IP address I want DHCP server to assign
to the laptop and "red" is the hostname given to the laptop. The
hostname is in combination with this line in the dhcpd.conf file:
option domain-name "myhome.domain";

which makes red.myhome.domain the complete domain name of the laptop.

IIRC, I used this method so that the laptop may be configured to always
look for an address from a DHCP server whether it was at my school or at
home or anywhere else where a DHCP server was running. Having a fixed IP
address was not working in that scenario then. Now, I guess, there are
other more modern methods to make a laptop perfectly mobile in Linux.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

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