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Re: SetGID bit on directories

klatt-st wrote:
On Thu Oct 06, 2005 at 10:34:35AM -0700, C. Chad Wallace wrote:

| We have a directory on an NFS mount that we want to be writable by members | of a specific group, "pubcorpwrite". So I did "chgrp pubcorpwrite" on the | directory and all files and directories within it, and set the setgid bit | on the directory and all its subdirectories because I thought this would | force all files and directories created within to maintain that group.


have a look into the manpage of "exports". the options

  anonuid,  anongid and all_squash

might be the answer you are looking for.

Thanks! That would help... but it would require reworking our NFS layout.
We currently have all the public shares alongside the private home directories in a single mount (/home), so setting an anonymous user and/or group wouldn't make sense.  If we split the public shares out into different mounts, anonuid and anongid would work quite well...  so we might have to do that eventually.  I have a feeling we'd sooner move to Samba, though. :-)


C. Chad Wallace, B.Sc.
The Lodging Company
OpenPGP Public Key ID: 0x262208A0

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