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shorewall and samba problem

Hello all!

I'm using Debian 3.1 and shorewall 2.2.3

I installed samba on the same machine where I already have shorewall installed.

As I noticed samba is disabled by default in shorewall.

So, I followed the instruction in http://www.shorewall.net/samba.htm:

1. Added the lines into /etc/shorewall/rules
                                AllowSMB  fw       loc
                                AllowSMB  loc      fw
2. Copied action.Drop and action.Reject from /usr/share/shorewall to

3. Deleted al the REJECT lines from the DropSMB and RejectSMB actions
in /etc/shorewall

4. Restarted shorewall

Unfortunately, I'm still unable to see samba in network from Windows PC.

Please tell me, what I did wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Shorewall restart log is below:
Loading /usr/share/shorewall/functions...
Processing /etc/shorewall/params ...
Processing /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf...
Loading Modules...
Restarting Shorewall...
Shorewall has detected the following iptables/netfilter capabilities:
   NAT: Available
   Packet Mangling: Available
   Multi-port Match: Available
   Extended Multi-port Match: Not available
   Connection Tracking Match: Available
   Packet Type Match: Available
   Policy Match: Not available
   Physdev Match: Available
   IP range Match: Available
   Recent Match: Available
Determining Zones...
   Zones: net loc
Validating interfaces file...
Validating hosts file...
Validating Policy file...
Determining Hosts in Zones...
   Net Zone: ppp0:
   Local Zone: eth0:
Processing /etc/shorewall/init ...
Pre-processing Actions...
   Pre-processing /etc/shorewall/action.DropSMB...
   Pre-processing /etc/shorewall/action.RejectSMB...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.DropUPnP...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.RejectAuth...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.DropPing...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.DropDNSrep...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowPing...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowFTP...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowDNS...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowSSH...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowWeb...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowSMB...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowAuth...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowSMTP...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowPOP3...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowICMPs...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowIMAP...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowTelnet...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowVNC...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowVNCL...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowNTP...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowRdate...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowNNTP...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowTrcrt...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowSNMP...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowPCA...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowSPAMD...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowSyslog...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowAmanda...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowLDAP...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowICQ...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowBitTorrent...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowSMBswat...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.DropSMTP...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowCVS...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowSVN...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowMySQL...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowPostgreSQL...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowRsync...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowDistcc...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.Drop...
   Pre-processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.Reject...
Deleting user chains...
Processing /etc/shorewall/routestopped ...
Setting up Accounting...
Creating Interface Chains...
Configuring Proxy ARP
Setting up NAT...
Setting up NETMAP...
Adding Common Rules
Processing /etc/shorewall/initdone ...
Adding rules for DHCP
Setting up TCP Flags checking...
Setting up Kernel Route Filtering...
IP Forwarding Enabled
Processing /etc/shorewall/tunnels...
Processing /etc/shorewall/ipsec...
Processing /etc/shorewall/rules...
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 21" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 22" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 25" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 110" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 143" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 443" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 783" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 993" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 53" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net udp 53" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw loc tcp 22" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw loc tcp 21" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 21" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 22" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 25" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 80" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 106" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 110" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 901" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw tcp 3306" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 21" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 22" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 25" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 80" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 110" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 143" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 443" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 783" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 993" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT loc fw icmp 8" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT net fw icmp 8" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw loc icmp 8" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw loc tcp 106" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net icmp" added.
   Rule "AllowDNS loc fw" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 80" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT fw net tcp 110" added.
   Rule "AllowSMB fw loc" added.
   Rule "AllowSMB loc fw" added.
Processing Actions...
   Generating Transitive Closure of Used-action List...
Processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.Drop for Chain Drop...
   Rule "RejectAuth" added.
   Rule "dropBcast" added.
   Rule "AllowICMPs - - icmp" added.
   Rule "dropInvalid" added.
   Rule "DropSMB" added.
   Rule "DropUPnP" added.
   Rule "dropNotSyn - - tcp" added.
   Rule "DropDNSrep" added.
Processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.Reject for Chain Reject...
   Rule "RejectAuth" added.
   Rule "dropBcast" added.
   Rule "AllowICMPs - - icmp" added.
   Rule "dropInvalid" added.
   Rule "RejectSMB" added.
   Rule "DropUPnP" added.
   Rule "dropNotSyn - - tcp" added.
   Rule "DropDNSrep" added.
Processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowDNS for Chain AllowDNS...
   Rule "ACCEPT - - udp 53" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT - - tcp 53" added.
Processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowSMB for Chain AllowSMB...
   Rule "ACCEPT - - udp 135,445" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT - - udp 137:139" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT - - udp 1024: 137" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT - - tcp 135,139,445" added.
Processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.RejectAuth for Chain RejectAuth...
   Rule "REJECT - - tcp 113" added.
Processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.AllowICMPs for Chain AllowICMPs...
   Rule "ACCEPT - - icmp fragmentation-needed" added.
   Rule "ACCEPT - - icmp time-exceeded" added.
Processing /etc/shorewall/action.DropSMB for Chain DropSMB...
Processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.DropUPnP for Chain DropUPnP...
   Rule "DROP - - udp 1900" added.
Processing /usr/share/shorewall/action.DropDNSrep for Chain DropDNSrep...
   Rule "DROP - - udp - 53" added.
Processing /etc/shorewall/action.RejectSMB for Chain RejectSMB...
Processing /etc/shorewall/policy...
   Policy REJECT for fw to net using chain all2all
   Policy REJECT for fw to loc using chain all2all
   Policy DROP for net to fw using chain net2all
   Policy REJECT for loc to fw using chain all2all
   Policy ACCEPT for loc to net using chain loc2net
Masqueraded Networks and Hosts:
   To (all) from through ppp0
Processing /etc/shorewall/tos...
Processing /etc/shorewall/ecn...
Activating Rules...
Processing /etc/shorewall/start ...
Shorewall Restarted

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