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Re: OT: Electoral College [Re: U.S. federal income tax program]

On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 04:26:38PM -0400, Brendan wrote:
> On Monday 29 August 2005 08:58 pm, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> > not to."  I think it is rather indicting.  Parents do a piss poor job of
> > raising their children to be concerned citizens because they are too
> > busy working their two jobs so they can live in the nice neighborhood in
> > a 5 bedroom house and drive a new Escalade and new Mercedes convertible.
> I call bull$hite on this.
> You could have stopped at "working their two jobs". Who cares why they do it 
> if the results are dumb kids who don't know about the world around them? I 
> know piles of people who work two jobs just to feed their kids and their kids 
> are still dumb.
> Most people I know with Escalades and Mercedes convertibles sure as HECK don't 
> work two jobs.
I was not referring to an individual working two jobs.  I was referring
to two parents working two jobs, hence I used the plural pronoun
reference "their."  The problem is not the kids being dumb, it is them
having little or no contact with anyone in a parental role.  A parent
should be staying home with kids, and I don't mean work from home, until
at least starting school.  At that point, part-time employment for the
"full-time parent" is probably acceptable.

I know that this not exactly a popular view everywhere, but it's this
idea we have that the mom gets 3 months of maternity leave and then the
child ends up in day care every day until adulthood.  This results in a
generation of children who don't know their parents and vice-versa.  If
two people make the decision to have children, then one parent should be
prepared to sacrifice 5 years of his or her life until the child reaches
school age.  If you can't afford to do this, you should seriously
reconsider having children.  

After the child is old enough to start school, a parent should be there
when the child leaves for school, and another should be there when the
child returns.  That is why say one parent should do part-time work at
the most if the other works full-time.  I have seen it many times in
homes where both parents work and don't get home until just in time for
dinner and they are both too tired to properly discipline the child(ren)
and do whatever it takes to appease.

I know that things happen in life and your perfectly secure job
evaporates out from under you because of cutbacks and you are stuck
working two lower paying jobs to make ends meet.  However, the people
who are in such situations are completely dwarfed by the number of
people who have the husband and wife both working and unwilling to give
up their leisure time to actually bother raising their children.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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